tablet counting machine

Principle of ZP Rotary Tableting Machine By Rich Packing

Jul 10, 2021

1. Dosage control of tablet press machine rotary

Various tablets have different dosage requirements, and large dosage adjustments are achieved by choosing punches with different punch diameters.

After the die size is selected, the tiny dose adjustment is to adjust the depth of the lower punch into the middle die hole, thereby changing the actual length of the middle die hole after the bottom seal, to adjust the die hole  

The purpose of filling the volume of the medicine.

Therefore, there should be a mechanism for adjusting the original position of the lower punch in the die hole on the tablet press to meet the dosage adjustment requirements.

2. Tablet thickness and compaction degree control the dosage of the drug is determined according to the prescription and pharmacopoeia and cannot be changed.

In order to require storage, transportation, preservation and disintegration time limit, the pressure of the dosage during tablet compression is also required, which will also affect the actual thickness and appearance of the tablet.

Pressure adjustment during tablet compression is indispensable.

This is achieved by adjusting the downward movement of the upper punch in the die hole.

Some tablet presses not only have upward and downward movements in the process of tablet compression machine, but also can have upward movements of undershoot, and the relative movement of the up and down punches together completes the tablet compression process.

However, pressure adjustment is mostly achieved by adjusting the upward and downward movement of the mechanism to achieve pressure adjustment and control.

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