tablet counting machine

Advantages Of Automatic Capsule Filling Machine In The Pharmaceutical Industry

Dec 14, 2021
The large-scale pharmaceutical industry must have the ability to supply a large number of capsules for medical purposes. Therefore, they must have the necessary types of production equipment that match their needs. The automatic capsule filling machine is such an equipment that has good machinability, and is fully automated in operation, and meets medical standards.

capsule filling machine automatic

Most pharmaceutical companies use automatic capsule filling machines to assist in the production of hard capsules, using granules and powders in the formula to provide different combinations individually or in combination. The tamping needle technology in the automatic capsule filler helps to form a slug that accurately pushes a fixed volume of material to complete the hard capsule.

The rotating table in the automatic capsule filling machine helps prevent the interaction of dust particles from the external environment and machine components. The main technology uses vacuum operation to separate the capsules, which reduces the dust generated during the operation. The closed dosing system in the automatic capsule filling machine ensures that the cleaning frequency is greatly reduced with the help of vacuuming.

The dosing device of the machine is very precise and easy to operate. The filling weight of the capsule can be adjusted within 2 minutes. It can ensure that the content of the capsule is filled correctly, so that accurate material filling can be easily achieved.

NJP capsule machine

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