tablet counting machine

Empty Capsule Problem Of Capsule Filling Machine

Apr 11, 2022
The main reasons for the empty capsules in the production process of the capsule filling machine may be: small capsules in the capsule shell, abnormal rejection of the capsule filling machine, failure of the particle sensor, etc.

There are small capsules in the capsule shell of the filling machine, and the waste rejection function of the capsule filling machine cannot be removed. In order to ensure that the empty small capsules do not enter the next process, a polishing machine can also be used to remove the empty capsules.

Capsule filling machines with abnormal function points, inappropriate spacing between the waste suction nozzle and the module, and air leakage in the line-connected vacuuming pipeline may lead to abnormal results, as long as they are confirmed before production.

Semi-Automatic Capsule Filling Machine

The failure of the sensor cannot prevent the dust from being recorded in the metering disc in time, resulting in the lack of powder in the hole of the mold and the production of empty bags. During the production process, the recording material of the measurement should be observed and confirmed at any time, and any abnormality must be repaired immediately.

The production process of traditional Chinese medicine angle hard capsule filling machine can solve many common problems. From the perspective of equipment, technology, and production, we should start thinking about debugging equipment and improving the environment.

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