tablet counting machine

How To Save The Tablet Press Mold

Sep 02, 2022
The mold quality of the tablet press plays a vital role, and in daily management, we should increase our efforts in the daily maintenance, maintenance and storage of the tablet press.

1. Newly purchased molds should be inspected by workshop mechanics.

2. Clean and disinfect the new mold with oil and 95% ethanol, etc.

3. Wipe the mold with a rag before installation, wipe it with 75% ethanol after the ethanol evaporates, and then reinstall it. Care must be taken during installation to ensure that the punch and die match, care must be taken to preserve, and the old and new dies should not be mixed.

4. When the mold is cleaned in time after use, the mold must be returned, and the template should be carefully checked for damage during the 95% ethanol cleaning process. .

automatic rotary tablet pressing machine

5. If the cleaned tablet press mold has not been used for a long time, it should be coated with anti-rust oil. When storing, it should be placed in the area according to the machine type and tablet type, with obvious signs, and fill in the tool identification card. Room temperature and humidity should be maintained during storage to avoid mold and rust. If the humidity in the room is too high, you can turn on the dehumidifier to keep it dry and keep the mold room clean and dry. Items other than molds cannot be stored.
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